Workshop experiences for
Primary Schools

For ten years I have been inspiring young people to take action against deforestation and climate change. I am a dynamic, entertaining and fun presence in the classroom and provide a high energy experience that keeps young people focussed throughout.


My skill is in introducing young minds to some of the potentially challenging and upsetting issues facing our planet in a fun and engaging way. 


In essence I have two goals- to educate and to empower. I make young people aware of the issues at hand before informing each and every child that they have the power to take positive and lasting action to help protect their world. 


What I offer

  • Pre-visit activities to get pupils up to speed on the issue (F/P & KS2)
  • My expertise in class for a day to investigate the issue and its causes.
  • Post visit pupil support via Ms Teams
  • Post visit resources to help plan their micro event (F/P & KS2)
  • A Trees For Change Certificate of Achievement.

Workshop content

In general sessions look at the relationship between rainforests, deforestation and climate change. However content is flexible and I can deliver sessions to suit your needs- want a session on palm oil? No problem! Want a session on rainforest animals and habitats? No problem!


Age groups

Sessions are age appropriate for all primary age groups including nursery


In person or online?

I am based in Swansea and can offer 'in person' visits to South Wales schools. 


My online sessions are very popular and are delivered with all of my usual hi energy and gusto. Many teachers have fed back after online sessions that it seemed as if I was actually in the classroom and not on screen.


Group sizes

I can work in person with up to three classes at a time.


For schools opting for online sessions I have developed a style where I can work with any number of classes at once. I can also work with multiple schools at once.


Session timings

I  usually deliver four 1hr sessions per 'in person' visit and two 1hr sessions for virtual visits. 


School assemblies
I can deliver whole school in person/ online assemblies to raise awareness across the whole school.



Schools do not need to fundraise if they do not wish to, however action and empowerment are core targets of the project and l encourage pupils to get entreprenerial and create 'micro fundraisers' to help plant trees in Kenya.


I am looking for huge whole school 'Children in Need' style events. His aim is to show that simple small actions can make a big difference. 


For instance, if a class of 30 children are sponsored 20p each to undertake a sponsored silence at breaktime that will raise £6 which equate to the planting of 30 new trees in Kenya (@ 20p per tree!).

If schools do want to raise more that's fine too. It can also be very easy for children to get overexcited, causing them to press their parents to donate more money at a time when families are hard pressed. In which case it's a good idea to set a target amount per class/ per child.


Take a look at my example visit to see how pupils at Cwmrhydeceirw Primary in Swansea managed to fund the planting of 300 trees in the Bore region of Kenya!







'Our workshop with Nigel was fantastic! He really went the extra mile to make everything lively, fun and interesting for the children, whilst also being very informative. The children still remember the workshop and everything we learnt from his expertise'.

Elin Roberts-Evans, Ysgol Treganna, Cardiff. January 2023


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