What we offer


‘The rainforest is our favourite topic- the children love it so much!’

We’ve heard this sentiment many times from teachers when delivering workshops in primary schools. The kids love the rainforest- the animals, the sounds, they realise that rainforests are ‘the lungs of the earth’ providing oxygen and absorbing CO2 and then suddenly the energy changes. 

They learn about deforestation and it’s links to climate change and the sheer enormity of the problem can develop into: 

  • Climate anxiety- a fear for their future survival
  • Climate apathy- a 'what's the point in trying?' attitude to their future.


Changing the energy

Trees for change, through a mixture of education and enterprise, offers pupils a creative and empowering opportunity to address this issue. Pupils are given the opportunity to not only learn about the issues at hand (the effects of deforestation) but also to take real lasting action against climate change. 


This involves designing, planning and undertaking simple micro fundraising events to raise funds to plant trees in Kenya (at 20p per tree). We don't expect schools to hold whole school fundraising events. We believe the learning lies in the process of taking action, and that a class raising £10 should feel proud that their efforts will accomplish the planting of 50 trees in Kenya.



The Trees for Change package

  • Pre-visit activities to get pupils up to speed on the issue 
  • Our expertise in class for a day to explore the issue and its causes.
  • Post visit resources to help plan their micro event 

And to celebrate your pupils achievements...

  • A framed TFC Certificate of Achievement
  • The GPS coordinates of your trees allowing pupils to watch their trees grow using Google Earth. Pupils also recieve the exact species of tree planted as well as the name of the farmer who planted them! 


The benefits for pupils   


My aim is to create confident powerful learners who:

  • Have a solid understanding of deforestation and climate change
  • Feel empowered through action
  • Have better developed problem solving skills
  • Understand the power of enterprise, teamwork and group action
  • Can think creatively ‘out of the box’
  • Are less susceptible to climate anxiety or climatre apathy.


The benefits for teachers


The program has been designed with the advice of Teachers and Headteachers and satisfies: 

  • all Four Purposes of the new Welsh Curriculum
  • all five of the mandatory Principles of Progression.


It is particularly suited to FP & KS2 classes studying rainforests, deforestation and climate change and perfect for schools looking for developing a fresh, dynamic, pupil lead approach to education.

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